recorded courses
recorded courses Thinkific Category
Showing 1–20 of 58 results
Getting started with MSP...
Turning your song into an Ableton Live loopin...
Understanding Indian rhythm through simple al...
Build Max for Live devices using Ableton Live...
Going further with cheat codes 2: A sample pl...
Introduction to beat detection and audio-reac...
Creative Audio and MIDI in Ableton Live...
Live Coding Sound with TidalCycles...
Creative MIDI FX in Ableton Live...
Building Graphical User Interfaces in M4L and...
Creative MIDI CC’s in Ableton Live...
Creative Riff Composition with MIDI...
MIDI Programming in Ableton Live - On-demand...
Tone to drone - Introduction to SuperCollider...
Algorithmic Composition in Max: Bringing Orde...
Live Sample Mangling in Max 8...
Android Audio Development Fundamentals - On-d...
Simple Sequencer with Tone.js - On demand...
Synthesis with Max: Granular...
Synthesis with Max: FM...