Using Collab-Hub with Max for Collaborative Network Performance / LIVE Session – September 19th

Date and Time: Sunday 19th September 2021 6pm UK / 7pm Berlin / 10am LA / 1pm NYC

Length: approx. 2- hours

Level: Intermediate

Collab-Hub offers the ability to connect multiple Max patches together over the internet, allowing performers across the world to share control data with one another during collaborative performances. In this workshop you will learn how to add Collab-Hub’s user-friendly modules to any Max patch, how to send and receive data between multiple connected users, and how to map that data to the parameters of your instrument or effect. You will also learn techniques for sharing data between Max and web pages, opening the door for building multi-platform networked experiences between mobile devices and your favourite patches.

By the end of this session a successful student will be able to:

  • Build a Max patch that connects to the Collab-Hub web server
  • Retrofit Collab-Hub modules and mapping strategies into an existing Max/Jitter patch
  • Send and receive data in both Control and Event formats between their Max patch and other connected clients
  • Explore methods for building advanced messaging networks with the Push and Publish transmission methods

Session Study Topics

  • Introduction to Collab-Hub and the Collab-Hub Max client modules
  • Sending and Receiving Control and Event data (from within Max patches and/or a web interface)
  • Mapping Data to Synthesis Parameters
  • Understanding Push/Publish distribution types and Room organization


  • A computer and internet connection
  • A web cam and mic
  • A Zoom account
  • Access to a copy of Max 8 (i.e. trial or full license)

About the workshop leaders 

Nick Hwang is a composer and sonic artist interested in interactivity, collaborative systems, and gameful performance. He is an Assistant Professor in the Media Arts and Game Development program at University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.

Eric Sheffield is a musician and maker currently interested in physics-based modeling, networked performance, and popular music. He currently teaches as Visiting Assistant Professor in both the Music and Emerging Technology in Business + Design departments at Miami University.

Anthony T. Marasco is an Assistant Professor of Music Technology and Composition at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. As a composer and sound artist, his works feature custom-made software and electronic instruments, hacked consumer hardware, and networked systems for designing audience/performer collaborative experiences.

Getting confident with Max – September series

Dates & Times: Tuesdays 21st & 28th September + 5th & 12th October – 6pm GMT / 7pm CET / 10am PST / 1pm EST

Level: Beginner

Cycling 74’s Max / MSP offers a vast playground of programming opportunities to create your own sound design and multimedia applications. In this workshop you will build a patch using items from the Max tool bar such as Beap and Vizzie as well using media from your own collection, plus explore ways to open up, reverse engineer and modify existing resources within the Max application.

Series Learning Outcomes

By the end of this series a successful student will be able to:

  • Confidently navigate the Max environment to quickly gain access to content and learning resources.
  • Deploy resources into a patch.
  • Connect and explore these resources to develop ideas for sound and media design, composition and performance.
  • Navigate the help file system and reverse engineer existing content in the Max application.

Session Study Topics

  • The Tools available in a Max such as Beap and Vizzie modules.
  • Playlists and drag and drop media.
  • Bpatches, prototypes and snippets.
  • The helpfile system.


  • A computer and internet connection
  • A web cam and mic
  • A Zoom account
  • Access to a copy of Max 8 (i.e. trial or full license)

About the workshop leader  

Duncan Wilson (aka Ned Rush) is a musician, producer and content creator based in the UK. Whilst perhaps largely known for his Youtube channel, he has also released music independently as well developing content for Isotonik Studios.

Build your own modular synth with MSP – On-demand

Level: Beginner/Intermediate

Learn to program patches with MSP to make a custom modular environment.

Cycling 74’s Max / MSP offers a vast playground of programming opportunities to create your own synthesis devices. In this series you will build custom modules to create your own modular synthesis environment. This series aims to provide you with suitable skills to begin exploring synthesis and UI design in the Max MSP environment.

Series Learning Outcomes

By the end of the series a successful student will be able to:

  • Build oscillator and filter networks with MSP objects

  • Build modulation patches with MSP objects

  • Build step sequencers with Max and MSP objects

  • Explore use of signal routing in interesting and creative ways using MSP objects.

  • Build custom modules using UI objects and bpatchers

Session 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

  • MSP objects for synthesis, filters and modulation 
  • MSP objects to control signal routing
  • UI objects and bpatchers
  • UI objects for sequencers



  • A computer and internet connection

  • A web cam and mic

  • A Zoom account

  • Access to a copy of Max 8 (i.e. trial or full license)

About the workshop leader 

Ned Rush aka Duncan Wilson is a musician, producer and performer. He’s most likely known best for his YouTube channel, which features a rich and vast quantity of videos including tutorials, software development, visual art, sound design, internet comedy, and of course music.

Getting Started with Gen – On-demand

Level: Intermediate / Previous experience with MSP is required.

Build highly efficient signal processing operations in Max using Gen~. In this series of 4 workshops, you will learn the fundamentals of signal processing and develop skills to confidently code with Gen~ in Max. The course contains 24 custom-made example patches along with audio samples that you will build as exercises during the course and be able to use in your own projects.

Series Learning Outcomes

By the end of this series a successful student will be able to:

  • Become familiar with the Gen~ environment

  • Build various audio processing tools via Gen~ (i.e. delay FX, AM and FM tools)

  • Construct basic Gen~ sampling and synthesis  tools

  • Apply a myriad of Gen~ operators

Series Study Topics

  • The Gen~ environment

  • Audio processing in Gen~

  • Gen~ sampling and synthesis tools

  • Gen~ operators and data management


  • A computer and internet connection

  • Access to a copy of Max 8 (i.e. trial or full license)

About the workshop leader

Phelan Kane is a Berlin & London based music producer, engineer, artist, developer and educator. 

He is currently running the electronic music record label Meta Junction Recordings and the audio software development company Meta Function. He has released the Max for Live device synth Wave Junction in partnership with Sonicstate.

Max meetup 24th April – Europe Edition

Date & Time: Saturday 24th April 3pm UK

Level: Open to all levels

Join the Max meetup to share ideas and learn with other artists, coders and performers. Showcase your patches, pair with others to learn together, get help for a school assignment, or discover new things.

The meetup runs via Zoom. The main session features short presentations from Max users. Breakout rooms are created on the spot on specific topics, and you can request a new topic at any time.

Meetup will be hosted by Ned Rush with presentations by: 

Mark Durham –
Philip Clevberger –
Dillon Bastan –

In the breakout rooms, you can share your screen to show other participants something you’re working on, ask for help, or help someone else.

Berlin Code of Conduct

We ask all participants to read and follow the Berlin Code of Conduct and contribute to creating a welcoming environment for everyone.

 Topic suggestions but not limited to:

  • MIDI
  • Jitter
  • Signal processing
  • Sequencing
  • Hardware
  • OSC
  • Algorithmic composition
  • Package manager modules


  • A Zoom account
  • A computer and internet connection

Max meetup 17th April – Americas Edition

Date & Time: Saturday 17th April 3pm LA / 6pm NYC

Level: Open to all levels

Join the Max meetup to share ideas and learn with other artists, coders and performers. Showcase your patches, pair with others to learn together, get help for a school assignment, or discover new things.

The meetup runs via Zoom. The main session features short presentations from Max users. Breakout rooms are created on the spot on specific topics, and you can request a new topic at any time.

The theme for this session is Max in live performances.

Hosted by: Chloe Alexandra Thompson

With presentations by: 

Marcus Price: Granular Synthesis

Presentation on how he use granular synthesis/auto-scrubbing and a variety of custom tools (spacialization helpers, effects and feedback/delay lines) for live performances.

Michele Zaccagnini: Nonlinear Sequencer

Michele will present a max package he designed which is now distributed in the package manager. It covers the use of sequencers in nonlinear fashion, i.e. the time function of the sequencer is distorted to create tempo oscillations. The overall tempo-predictability and synchronization robustness of the sequencer is nonetheless still present in the Nonlinear Sequencer. Plus these set of objects allow to “measure” the regularity/irregularity of a rhythmic event on an imaginary grid.

João Cabral: Topic: Hardware presentation

João will present a bunch of devices that were made using M4L that work as a 1 dimensional Visual Synth that were used to create LED animations.


In the breakout rooms, you can share your screen to show other participants something you’re working on, ask for help, or help someone else.

Ready to present your work at a future meetup?

Everyone is welcome to propose a presentation. Just fill in this short form and you’ll be put on the agenda on a first come first served basis.

Presentations should take no more than 5 minutes with 5 minutes Q&A and we’ll have up to 5 presentations at each meetup.

List of presenters will be updated and announced before each event.

Topic suggestions but not limited to:

  • MIDI
  • Jitter
  • Signal processing
  • Sequencing
  • Hardware
  • OSC
  • Algorithmic composition
  • Package manager modules


  • A Zoom account
  • A computer and internet connection

Berlin Code of Conduct

We ask all participants to read and follow the Berlin Code of Conduct and contribute to creating a welcoming environment for everyone. 

Generative Music Tools: LFOs and Pitch Quantization – On demand

Level: Intermediate

There are a broad array of techniques musicians can use to generate music in Max. One fundamental component of traditional analogue synthesiser use is the LFO, or low-frequency oscillator. Additionally, pitch quantization can be an extremely powerful tool, especially when used alongside the values generated by an LFO.

This workshop will provide you with the information to construct both devices in Max, giving you a broader palette of compositional tools.

Session Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this session you will be able to:

  • Learn the basics of LFOs and pitch quantizers.

  • Build a standalone LFO patch with variable waveforms and a functional UI.

  • Build a quantizer which will map incoming pitch values to user-defined scales/modes.

  • Use both devices to control parameters of sound synthesis and assist in generative music composition.

Session Study Topics

  • Generative music

  • LFOs and waveforms

  • Pitch quantization

  • Composition through MIDI and software instrument manipulation.


  • A computer and internet connection
  •  Access to a copy of Max 7 or 8 (i.e. trial or full license)

About the workshop leader 

Samuel Pearce-Davies is a composer, performer, music programmer and Max hacker living in Cornwall, UK.

With a classical music background, it was his introduction to Max/MSP during undergraduate studies at Falmouth University that sparked Sam’s passion for music programming and algorithmic composition.

Going on to complete a Research Masters in computer music, Sam is now studying a PhD at Plymouth University in music-focused AI

Max meetup 13th March – Europe Edition

Dates & Time:  Saturday 13th March 3pm GMT / 4pm CET

Level: Open to all levels


Join the Max meetup to share ideas and learn with other artists, coders and performers. Showcase your patches, pair with others to learn together, get help for a school assignment, or discover new things.  

The meetup runs via Zoom. The main session features short presentations from Max users. Breakout rooms are created on the spot on specific topics, and you can request a new topic at any time. 

In the breakout rooms, you can share your screen to show other participants something you’re working on, ask for help, or help someone else.

Ready to present your work?

Everyone is welcome to propose a presentation. Just fill in this short form and you’ll be put on the agenda on a first come first served basis. 

Presentations should take no more than 5 minutes with 5 minutes Q&A and we’ll have up to 5 presentations at each meetup. 

List of presenters will be announced before each event. 


  • A computer and internet connection

Berlin Code of Conduct

We ask all participants to read and follow the Berlin Code of Conduct and contribute to creating a welcoming environment for everyone.

Max meetup Europe 24th Feb

Date: Wednesday 24th of February at 6pm GMT

Level: Open to all levels


Join the Max meetup to share ideas and learn with other artists, coders and performers. Showcase your patches, pair with others to learn together, get help for a school assignment, or discover new things.

The meetup runs via Zoom. The main session features short presentations from Max users. Breakout rooms are created on the spot on specific topics, and you can request a new topic at any time.

In the breakout rooms, you can share your screen to show other participants something you’re working on, ask for help, or help someone else.


  • A computer and internet connection

Ready to present your work?

Everyone is welcome to propose a presentation. Just fill in this short form and you’ll be put on the agenda on a first come first served basis.

Presentations should take no more than 5 minutes with 5 minutes Q&A and we’ll have up to 5 presentations at each meetup.

Berlin Code of Conduct

We ask all participants to read and follow the Berlin Code of Conduct and contribute to creating a welcoming environment for everyone.

Max meetup Americas 17th Feb

Date: Wednesday 17th of February at 6pm PST / 9pm EST

Level: Open to all levels


Join the Max meetup to share ideas and learn with other artists, coders and performers. Showcase your patches, pair with others to learn together, get help for a school assignment, or discover new things.

The meetup runs via Zoom. The main session features short presentations from Max users. Breakout rooms are created on the spot on specific topics, and you can request a new topic at any time.

In the breakout rooms, you can share your screen to show other participants something you’re working on, ask for help, or help someone else.


  • A computer and internet connection

Ready to present your work?

Everyone is welcome to propose a presentation. Just fill in this short form and you’ll be put on the agenda on a first come first served basis.

Presentations should take no more than 5 minutes with 5 minutes Q&A and we’ll have up to 5 presentations at each meetup.

Berlin Code of Conduct

We ask all participants to read and follow the Berlin Code of Conduct and contribute to creating a welcoming environment for everyone.
