Max and Machine Learning with RunwayML – On-demand

Level: Intermediate

RunwayML is a platform that offers AI tools to artists without any coding experience. Max/MSP is a visual programming environment used in media art that can be used to control RunwayML in a more efficient way. At the end of the workshop you will be able to train trendy machine learning models and generate videos by walking a latent space through Max and NodeJS.

Session Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course a successful student will be able to:

  • Understand the RunwayML workflow

  • Use Node4Max to control RunwayML and generate a video.

  • Explore ML trendy models

  • Create a Dataset

  • Train a ML model

  • Process videos with the VIZZIE library.

Session 1

– Introduction to the course

– What’s machine learning, deep learning and neural networks?

– What’s RunwayML?

– What’s Max/MSP/Jitter and NodeJS?
– Dataset and models training with RunwayML

Session 2

– What’s a GAN and styleGAN?

– Latent space walk

– Image and video generation with RunwayML, Max and Node4Max (part 1)

Session 3

– Image and video generation with RunwayML, Max and Node4Max (part 2)

Session 4

– processing Images and videos with VIZZIE2 and Jitter.

Session Study Topics

  • Generate images and video through AI

  • Request data to models and save images on your local drive

  • Generate video from images

  • Communication protocols (web sockets and https requests)

  • AI models used in visual art.

  • Video processing

  • Models training


  • A computer and internet connection

  • Access to a copy of Max 8 (either trial or licence)

  • A code editor such as Visual Studio Code, Sublime or Atom
  • Attendees need to create a RunwayML account –
    • Upon setting up an account you will receive 10$ credit for free
    • Approx. 50$ credits will be required to complete the course however these do not need to purchased in advance
    • 20% RunwayML discount code will be provided to participant who sign up to the course 

About the workshop leader 

Marco Accardi is a trained musician, multimedia artist, developer and teacher based in Berlin.

He is the co-founder of Anecoica, a collective that organises events combining art, science and new technologies.
