SQ (aka Sound Quartet) performance. Wednesday 30th April
Music Hackspace event: Sound performance with SQ
When: Wednesday 30th of April, 7.30pm
Where: 132 Kingsland Road, Corner of Cremer Street, London E2 8DYSQ
SQ (Sound Quartet) explores music inaccessible to contemplative composition. Devoting many hours to develop skills which circumvent learning and amplify responses to the moment. Each piece is a sortie into uncertainty along paths never followed before, with assiduous unpremeditation and susceptibility of mind and body as our guides. States far from equilibrium can branch on barely perceptible quantum quivers to sublime and unexpected trajectories, even a false step can open a new passage if grasped as a sign.. We hope the listeners will come along and find the journeys rewarding.
SQ will showcase a set of wind and electronics live improvisation, interspersed with short EAM pieces. Visuals will be provided by Viktor Zeidner of Deadpixel. There will also be a chance to talk about their work, practise and upcoming events.
Thomas Bjelkeborn is a sound artist, electronic musician and acousmatic composer from Sweden. He is also a curator for the PUSH festival and Club Lamour in Gävle and Stockholm. He has performed at many electroacoustic and electronic festivals on all continents.
Thomas will play Alpha Position U, composed in autumn 2007 in Studio Alpha at Visby International Center for Composers in Sweden with a grant awarded by The Swedish Society of Composers.
Paul Pignon:
Playing and composing music of almost every kind for nearly 60 years, physics degree, pioneer in EAM. First foray into non-idiomatic improvisation in 1962 (Oxford). Has lived about equally in the UK, Yugoslavia and Sweden.
Paul’s contribution will be the first movement from Adagio Lugubre.