Workshop: build your own SIGNUM device and reveal hidden sounds

SIGNUM_Portable Analog Instrumentation Amplifier from animazon on Vimeo.

In this workshop participants will build and take home their own Signum device, which is designed to experiment with hidden signals and usually un-hearable sounds. The device includes a transducer, optical, coil, germanium diode and small loop antenna that will allow you to both to listen to and record the sounds hidden in the electromagnetic spectrum. The workshop will also cover the use of the electromagnetic spectrum in art practice.

With Victor Mazon Gardoqui.

Signum is a portable device designed to provide a clean, line level & micro controller friendly output signal to various input sensors: different bandwidth antennas, high impedance transducers, photosensitive cells, infrared, ultraviolet, sound pressure or line level.

The electromagnetic spectrum will be used as a creative resource where participants will build a device capable of modulate the invisible phenomenæ on various media or devices.

SIGNUM performs a fully analogue difference operation between its input and reference output level, multipling by a factor of 100 times in the first stage  -controlable by potenciometer- and 10 times magnification on its second stage, providing a controlled amplitude output line suitable to be safely connected to any audio input: sound card, computer or mixer, providing the input signal a maximum magnification ratio of 1000: 1 and a signal-to-noise distortion of 0.007% THD.

The kit contains two amplifier circuits operating in parallel to accommodate different impedances of sensors and a final amplification for line output. The 3 sensors embedded on its surface measures close range electromagnetic frequencies, a central SMA antenna connector for long-range signals and an external line input via the 3.5mm jack to amplify self made sensors and physical devices.

It’s powered by a 9V battery or supplied 1,3mm power jack to USB connector.

The workshop will be lead by Victor Mazon Gardoqui who’s the author of workshop concept, electronics design & documentation | CC 4.0 BY-SA ://

Victor will be also giving an Artist Talk about his practice at the Music Hackspace on Thursday 22 October

SIGNUM Portable Analogue Instrumentation Amplifier

Voltage gain 10 to 1000 (w/ ALPS potentiometer)
Amplitude control (w/ ALPS potentiometer)
Bandwidth set to 15.9kHz (w/feedback capacitors), or 100kHz (w/ caps removed)
Line IN / Line OUT (w/ Jack 3,5mm)
SMA Antenna Input
Self-centering output quiescent voltageBattery operation ~3V–30V
1,3mm power jack to USB cable included
220v to 5v USB adaptor included
Current drain ≤160mA
Size 70×70 mm
8x 30mm. metal stands
Sensors: transducer, optical, coil, germanium diode, small loop antenna included
Industrial PCB manufacture
Material FR4
Thickness 1,6mm
Surface Finish ENIG Immersion Gold  on both sides
Black Matt Soldermask on both Sides






When: Saturday 24th October: 11h to 19 h and Sunday 25th October 11h to 15h.

Required skills: No previous experience in electronics is necessary, but interest and patience mandatory.

Cost: 95 GBP (Keep you device! All electronic materials and documentation are included).

Enquiries: please email workshops@stagingmhs.local







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