Expert Sleepers meets Soundplane, By Andrew Ostler
Thursday 1st of November 2012, 7pm, at Troyganic, 137 Kingsland Road, E2 8DY, London.
Andrew Ostler is a developer of software plug-ins and hardware modular synthesisers, active under the company name Expert Sleepers. On November 1st, Andrew will present his products, and how they integrate with Soundplane, a touch controller developed by Madrona Labs.
Andrew will explain how the Soundplane communicates with host software using MIDI or OSC. He will also allow people to try it out to give a feel of the interaction with the instrument.
Andrew will also talk about how he integrated the Soundplane client’s OSC output into his own software (Expert Sleepers Silent Way), and possibly with hardware modular synth too.
Finally, all being well we’ll have Randy Jones, the creator of the Soundplane, available for Q&A over Skype.