Befaco DIY Modular synth workshop: 17th and 18th October 2015
The Befaco team is back for a DIY modular synth workshop on 17th and 18th October 2015 at the Music Hackspace (ContainerVille).
When: 17th and 18th October 2015, 11am to 7 pm.
Where: Music Hackspace, ContainerVille, Unit 15, 5–10 Corbridge Crescent, London, E2 9DS United Kingdom
Hands on workshop: build your own synth modules on eurorack format. We provide all the necessary components to build your device from scratch. Each participant builds her/his own machine during the workshop.
Required skills: interest and patience. No previous experience in electronics is necessary.
Required materials: Fine tip soldering iron less than 25w is recommended (we provide soldering irons and hand tools if you don’t have your own).
Participants can choose to build any of these Befaco modules:
*NEW!* Rampage……………….150 GBP
*NEW!* Crush Delay V2………120 GBP
Slew Limiter…………………..65 GBP
Spring reverb …………………130 GBP
Even VCO ……………………125 GBP
BF22 VCF……………………130 GBP
VC ADSR………………………110 GBP
Instrument Interface………115 GBP
Output module………………65 GBP
Mixer………………………………50 GBP
Hexa VCA………………………140 GBP
Power Bus ………………………80 GBP
Dual Atenuverter………………55 GBP
Joysitck controller……………100 GBP
Please register via workshops@stagingmhs.local
We are happy to answer any questions 🙂
Befaco is a Synth DIY/open hardware platform focused on designing modules and organizing modular synth workshops regularly in Madrid, Barcelona, Berlin and London (and recently in Japan).