Artist talk with Robin Fox
Netaudio London & Music Hackspace present
Artist Talk with Robin Fox
Sunday, 16 September 2012, 2pm, duration 1hr.
Free to attend, but limited places. Please RSVP.
Robin Fox Laser Show from Robin Fox on Vimeo.
From neurobiology to cochlear implants, from analog synthesizers to audio controlled lasers, Robin Fox’s work knows no boundaries and no borders. He works across the spectrum from live interactive computer music performance to the creation of synaesthetic audio-visual environments.
He’s made soundtracks and video/light works for numerous dance companies, has exhibited large-scale photographic works and recently conducted a residency with the Bionic Ear Institute in Melbourne. Currently Robin Fox is working on a giant Theremin style public interactive instrument installation.
Far from a simple description of his practice Fox’s artist talk serves to contextualize his work through the lens of synaesthesia, audible and visible electrical signal equivalence and the history of electronic and visual musics.
Synesthesia and Netaudio London present Robin Fox live, alongside Sally Golding and Tom James Scott at Cafe OTO on Sunday, 16 September 2012, 8pm.
Full info and tickets available at
Robin Fox – Biography
Robin Fox is an artist straddling the often artificial divide between audible and visible arts.
As an audio-visual performance artist his work has featured in festivals worldwide. Recent appearances include a commissioned performance for the Henie Onstad Kunstcenter, Oslo (March 2010), Mois Multi Festival, Quebec City (Feb 2010), Steirischer Herbst Festival, Graz (Nov 2009), Musica Genera Festival, Warsaw (June 2009) and the Yokohama Triennale (September 2008).
His audio visual films for the cathode ray oscilloscope are documented on the DVD release Backscatter (2004) with more recent works Volta and 5 Creation Myths being exhibited as video works at the RoslynOxley9 gallery in Sydney, The Asian Art Biennale in Taipei, the Miniartextil International exhibition in Como Italy and most recently at the Gesellschaft für Kunst und Gestaltung in Bonn as part of Geometric Form seen in Recent Sound.
His groundbreaking work with Chunky Move has contributed to the recent piece Mortal Engine winning a Helpmann award for Best Visual Production and an Honorary mention at the illustrious Prix Ars Electronica. He also scored the critically acclaimed work Connected with Oren Ambarchi and has produced two works, RGB and Drift, with groundbreaking new choreographer Antony Hamilton.