Thu. 24th of October, Ranjit Bhatnagar presents Singing Room for a Shy Person

Join us with sound sculptor Ranjit Bhatnagar, next Thursday 24th of October. Ranjit Bhatnagar will present his project entitled Singing Room for a Shy Person, an interactive sound installation, commissioned by Métamatic Research Initiative and being exhibited, along with nine other MRI commissions, at the Tinguely Museum in Basel.

When: Thursday 24th of October 2013, 7.30pm
Where: Troyganic, 132 Kingsland Road, Hoxton, London
Entrance: Free

Singing Room for a Shy Person is and installation that consists of a sound-isolating booth, in which visitors can go, seal themselves off from the world, and sing, recite, blabber, or whatever they want.  On the outside of the booth, a set of computer-controlled musical instruments interprets their voice in a rickety, mechanical way.  “The installation is a way for a shy person to perform for an audience, in an odd sort of way, without revealing themselves too much. It’s software runs with Max/MSP, doing a fairly simple spectral analysis to extract peak frequencies from the singer’s voice, and sending them back off. The instruments are all controlled via MIDI, using note on and note off commands to activate various solenoids and motors”.


Singing Room for a Shy Person. Outside of the room, the musical instruments abstractly interpret the participants singing

Ranjit Bhatnagar is a sound sculptor who works with technology, language, and found materials to create interactive installations and musical instruments. Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, Ranjit received a BA from U.C. Berkeley and an MS from the University of Pennsylvania. His works have been exhibited across the United States and Europe, and have appeared in performances as far from New York as Shanghai. As part of an ongoing annual project, he creates a new homemade musical instrument each day of the month during February: the Instrument-a-day project, which is now in its sixth year. He has also worked with the art collectives Flux Factory and Rabid Hands to build a large-scale installation at the Palais de Tokyo Museum in Paris this summer.

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