Eduardo Pesole

Eduardo Pesole (Bari IT, 1994) is a Berlin-based sound designer, sound artist and composer, who
graduated in Sound Design at IED – Istituto Europeo di Design (Rome). He started playing guitars and
bass at the age of 14 in some psychedelic rock bands. From 2019 to 2021, he worked as mix
engineer, audio editor and sound designer for short movies, until he switched to interactive sound
design and audio programming for video games and eventually left Rome to move to Berlin.
Meanwhile, he also worked as a composer for fashion movies and collections, collaborated with
other artists and developed solos projects. The knowledge acquired from the game industry makes
him able to move easily through multidisciplinary projects and to experiment with acoustics and the
architecture of spaces through the use of spatial audio technology, within both the digital and the
real world. He has a personal and genuine aesthetic that fully encloses all different genres he likes
and gets inspiration from, in an organic and evolving form of sound narration. The use of analog
synthesizers, granular synthesis and resampling allows him to design soundscapes and explore
unique and interesting timbers.
