Getting confident with Max – September series

Dates & Times: Tuesdays 21st & 28th September + 5th & 12th October – 6pm GMT / 7pm CET / 10am PST / 1pm EST

Level: Beginner

Cycling 74’s Max / MSP offers a vast playground of programming opportunities to create your own sound design and multimedia applications. In this workshop you will build a patch using items from the Max tool bar such as Beap and Vizzie as well using media from your own collection, plus explore ways to open up, reverse engineer and modify existing resources within the Max application.

Series Learning Outcomes

By the end of this series a successful student will be able to:

  • Confidently navigate the Max environment to quickly gain access to content and learning resources.
  • Deploy resources into a patch.
  • Connect and explore these resources to develop ideas for sound and media design, composition and performance.
  • Navigate the help file system and reverse engineer existing content in the Max application.

Session Study Topics

  • The Tools available in a Max such as Beap and Vizzie modules.
  • Playlists and drag and drop media.
  • Bpatches, prototypes and snippets.
  • The helpfile system.


  • A computer and internet connection
  • A web cam and mic
  • A Zoom account
  • Access to a copy of Max 8 (i.e. trial or full license)

About the workshop leader  

Duncan Wilson (aka Ned Rush) is a musician, producer and content creator based in the UK. Whilst perhaps largely known for his Youtube channel, he has also released music independently as well developing content for Isotonik Studios.

Build your own modular synth with MSP – On-demand

Level: Beginner/Intermediate

Learn to program patches with MSP to make a custom modular environment.

Cycling 74’s Max / MSP offers a vast playground of programming opportunities to create your own synthesis devices. In this series you will build custom modules to create your own modular synthesis environment. This series aims to provide you with suitable skills to begin exploring synthesis and UI design in the Max MSP environment.

Series Learning Outcomes

By the end of the series a successful student will be able to:

  • Build oscillator and filter networks with MSP objects

  • Build modulation patches with MSP objects

  • Build step sequencers with Max and MSP objects

  • Explore use of signal routing in interesting and creative ways using MSP objects.

  • Build custom modules using UI objects and bpatchers

Session 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

  • MSP objects for synthesis, filters and modulation 
  • MSP objects to control signal routing
  • UI objects and bpatchers
  • UI objects for sequencers



  • A computer and internet connection

  • A web cam and mic

  • A Zoom account

  • Access to a copy of Max 8 (i.e. trial or full license)

About the workshop leader 

Ned Rush aka Duncan Wilson is a musician, producer and performer. He’s most likely known best for his YouTube channel, which features a rich and vast quantity of videos including tutorials, software development, visual art, sound design, internet comedy, and of course music.

Getting confident with Max – On demand

Level: Beginner

Cycling 74’s Max / MSP offers a vast playground of programming opportunities to create your own sound design and multimedia applications. In this workshop you will build a patch using items from the Max tool bar such as Beap and Vizzie as well using media from your own collection, plus explore ways to open up, reverse engineer and modify existing resources within the Max.

Series Learning Outcomes

By the end of this series a successful student will be able to:

  • Confidently navigate the Max environment to quickly gain access to content and learning resources.

  • Deploy resources into a patch.

  • Connect and explore these resources to develop ideas for sound and media design, composition and performance.

  • Navigate the help file system and reverse engineer existing content in the Max application.

Session Study Topics

  • The Tools available in a Max such as Beap and Vizzie modules.

  • Playlists and drag and drop media.

  • Bpatches, prototypes and snippets.

  • The helpfile system.


  • A computer and internet connection

  • Access to a copy of Max 8 (i.e. trial or full license)

About the workshop leader

Duncan Wilson (aka Ned Rush) is a musician, producer and content creator based in the UK. Whilst perhaps largely known for his Youtube channel, he has also released music independently as well developing content for Isotonik Studios.

Abstract Composition in Ableton and Max For Live – On demand

Level: Intermediate

Ableton and Cycling 74’s Max For Live offer a vast playground of programming opportunities to create unique compositions and rich sound designs. In this workshop you will create musical and sonic ideas using abstract techniques of composition. This workshop aims to provide you with suitable skills to begin exploring generative composition and complex sound design.

Session Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session a successful student will be able to:

  • Discuss the relevance of using generative processes in certain musical contexts.

  • Explore how we can use these processes to create musical ideas.

  • Look at ways to capture these ideas to use for future projects.

  • Exploring various sound design techniques to add colour and shape.

Session Study Topics

  • Deploy Ableton and Max For Live devices to generate musical content.
  • Develop this content with various devices such as instruments and effects.
  • Capture, edit and consolidate the content.
    • Reflect on the content we created and discuss ways to develop the project further.


  • A computer and internet connection

  • A good working knowledge of computer systems

  • A basic awareness of music theory and audio processing

  • Good familiarity with Ableton and Max For Live

  • Access to a copy of Ableton Live 10 Suite, or Ableton Live 10 with a Max For Live license.

About the workshop leader

Ned Rush aka Duncan Wilson is a musician, producer and performer. He’s most likely known best for his YouTube channel, which features a rich and vast quantity of videos including tutorials, software development, visual art, sound design, internet comedy, and of course music.

Synthesis with Max: FM

Level: Intermediate

What you will learn in this course

Cycling 74’s Max / MSP offers a vast playground of programming opportunities to create your own synthesis devices. In this workshop you will build your own synthesis device that utilizes a FM architecture. This workshop aims to provide you with suitable skills to begin exploring FM synthesis devices in the Max MSP environment.

Session Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session you will be able to:

  • Build FM carrier and modulators via MSP oscillator objects
  • Explore FM’s spectral sonic properties

  • Construct modulation sources for FM synthesis devices

  • Define the sonic timbre and strengths and weakness of FM synthesis

Session Study Topics

  • MSP oscillator objects for FM
  • Sonograms, scopes and the frequency domain

  • LFO, line & envelope properties

  • FM’s timbre. Strengths and weaknesses


  • A computer and internet connection
  • A good working knowledge of computer systems
  • An basic awareness of audio processing
  • Good familiarity with MSP
  • Access to a copy of Max 8 (i.e. trial or full license)

About the workshop leader

Ned Rush aka Duncan Wilson is a musician, producer and performer. He’s known best for his YouTube channel, which features a rich and vast quantity of videos including tutorials, software development, visual art, sound design, internet comedy, and of course music.

Synthesis with Max: Subtractive

Level: Intermediate

What you will learn in this course

Cycling 74’s Max / MSP offers a vast playground of programming opportunities to create your own synthesis devices. In this workshop you will build your own synthesis device that utilizes a subtractive architecture. This workshop aims to provide you with suitable skills to begin exploring subtractive synthesis devices in the Max MSP environment.

Session Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session you will be able to:

  • Deploy MSP oscillator objects
  • Build various filter responses via MSP filter objects

  • Construct modulation sources for subtractive synthesis devices

  • Define the sonic timbre and strengths and weakness of subtractive synthesis

Session Study Topics

  • MSP oscillator objects

  • Filter networks & responses

  • LFO & envelope properties

  • Subtractive’s timbre. Strengths and weaknesses


  • A computer and internet connection
  • A good working knowledge of computer systems
  • An basic awareness of audio processing
  • Good familiarity with MSP
  • Access to a copy of Max 8 (i.e. trial or full license)

About the workshop leader

Ned Rush aka Duncan Wilson is a musician, producer and performer. He’s known best for his YouTube channel, which features a rich and vast quantity of videos including tutorials, software development, visual art, sound design, internet comedy, and of course music

Experimental Audio FX in Max

Level: Intermediate

In this workshop you will build an experimental audio FX device that utilizes buffers to create a novel delay line. Experimental processing will be added to the signal path to provide unique sound design possibilities. This workshop aims to provide you with suitable skills to begin exploring building unique, novel and experimental audio FX devices in the Max MSP environment.

Session Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session a successful student will be able to:

  • Identify MSP objects for building delay FX devices
  • Build delay line audio FX devices via buffer, record and groove
  • Build feedback and processing networks
  • Explore UI concepts and design


  • A computer and internet connection
  • A good working knowledge of computer systems
  • An basic awareness of audio processing
  • Good familiarity with MSP
  • Access to a copy of Max 8 (i.e. trial or full license)

About the workshop leader

Ned Rush aka Duncan Wilson is a musician, producer and performer. He’s known best for his YouTube channel, which features a rich and vast quantity of videos including tutorials, software development, visual art, sound design, internet comedy, and of course music.

Artist workshop with Ned Rush: Live Sample Mangling in Max 8 – On demand

Max is Ned’s go to environment to realise concepts for sound design and performance that are not available in other programs.

In this 2-hour workshop you will learn ways to sample and loop incoming audio from the outside world. You will create a fresh sonic palette from mutating the sound, using a variety of techniques aimed at performance and improvisation, whilst also discussing and solving problems related to improvisation set-ups and how we can meet those needs.

You will explore a variety of ways to interact with sampled sound to find which method suits you best so you can realise your vision with a unique performance sampler.


– Max 8

– Basic knowledge of Max

About the workshop leader

Ned Rush aka Duncan Wilson is a musician, producer and performer. He’s most likely known best for his YouTube channel, which features a rich and vast quantity of videos including tutorials, software development, visual art, sound design, internet comedy, and of course music.
