Max 9 includes audio generators and effects embedding algorithms from Ableton Live devices.
With these, the user can at last include high-quality virtual analog synthesis, reverberation, and
more in their projects, while using only Max objects that every user has access to. That
facilitates sharing patches across platforms and offers a future-proof option for quality
Through building a modular-inspired synthesizer and a mixer, you will get familiar with the ABL
collection of objects in Max 9. You will discover the benefits these new objects offer regarding
sound design, audio mixing, and project future-proofing.
Additional new Max 9 features will be covered to easily make your projects more interactive
and your soundscapes richer.
What you'll learn
Synthesis with ABL virtual analog synthesizer options
Make your sound richer with ABL distortion and saturation options
Create space with ABL delays and reverberation options
Use the new Parameter Connect Max 9 feature to easily control the ABL objects
Use the new Preset Mixing Max 9 feature to easily expand soundscapes beyond your own starting points
How the new abl objects are organized, and how they relate to Ableton Live devices
How to go beyond the Max documentation to know more about the objects
Who is this course for?
This workshop is aimed at artists and musicians interested in interactive sound. Some basic experience with Max will be helpful to take part in the applied part of the workshop.
Course content
Max 9 - Workshop Recording with Jean Francois Charles
Mac/Windows device with Max 9 installed.
An Internet connection.
Meet your instructor
Max Certified Trainer Jean-François Charles uses Max to design interactive music situations, to
perform with other artists, and to teach creative digital arts.
He has performed with classical, jazz, and sound artists, from Maurice Merle to Douglas Ewart,
from Gozo Yoshimasu to Karlheinz Stockhausen.
He teaches composition & digital media at the University of Iowa.
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