Tribe start time
2025-01-09 19:00:00Starts on: 09/01/2025 18:00 London time
Membership plan: Going Deeper | Topics: Music Production
Frazer Merrick is an expert in field recording, circuit bending, and DIY instrument building. He creates carnivalesque experiences that transform spaces and objects while encouraging the audience to become a curious performer. From a keyboard made of bananas to playing a gig underwater, Frazer’s work is curious, interactive and playful. He has exhibited at galleries including Firstsite and Focal Point Gallery, performed at venues such as Snape Maltings and Colchester Arts Centre, and had compositions aired on Channel 4 and the BBC. Frazer is the co-founder of the award winning social enterprise, CLIP Sound and Music CIC.
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Will recordings of classes be available afterwards (in case we miss a class)?
Same question, I can’t make the times but would like to view afterwards
I have the same question as Kathleen and Jonathan.
Hi Kathleen, yes the workshop will be recorded and made available shortly after the event
Thank you, Jean Baptiste.
Information on the DIY microphone kit is missing. The Course Overview states:
“Participants who wish to build their own mics should purchase the following pack in time for the first session.”
But I can’t find information on what the DIY microphone pack is and what to purchase.
Same, I’m not seeing a link or info about the DIY kit.
hey, i got the list from @Frazer Merrick via Instagram
Piezo disc (any 35mm piezo disc will do, ones with pre-soldered cables help save time)
Impedance transformer
1m 1/4” mono cable (any 1/4” mono jack cable will do, not that we’ll be cutting off one end).
Felt discs (any will do, so long as they are 35mm)
Soldering iron and solder
Wire cutters
Recording device with XLR input and phantom power
XLR cable
Hot glue gun
also links to items if you want them?
Thanks @Maya!