Musica Dispersa at Music Hackspace, March 26
Musica Dispersa is a London based platform which operates internationally and is dedicated to the dissemination and diffusion of experimental music through a wide range of projects in radio broadcast, cassette releases, live events and exhibitions (more info
When:Â March 26 @ 18:30 – 23:00
Where: Unit 15, 5–10 Corbridge Crescent, E2 9DS
Entrance: £4
Following recent collaborations and a residency in Haggerston, Musica Dispersa are coming to the Music Hackspace bringing a line up of experimental music and sound artists, in an event that will focus on the space, the artists and the sound; from noise music to abstract ambient, the event is open to a variety of sonic proposals within the experimental music fields.
Featured artists include Clara Black, Phil Mill, Rasul, Ewa Justka and elpueblodechina (more info of the artists can be found below).
19’00-19’30 Clara Black – electronics
19’45-20’15 Phil Mill – field recordings
20’30-21’00 Rasul – tapes/loops
21’15-22’00 Ewa Justka – experimental/electronics
22’15-23’00 elpueblodechina – noise
Join us at the space for drinks and chat from 18.30. Drinks will be available at the bar.
Alejandra Perez (Chile) is a noise artist, media designer and current phd student at the University of Westminster in London. Her research is focused in the detection of rhythms and frequencies that are imperceptible in space. Further research develops into the study of semiotic energies. Her areas of work include writing, live noise performances, education, designing new interfaces, free tool sound art and the development of instruments to detect high and low frequencies (Pure Data, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, electronica DIY-DIWO, Gnu Linux). Recent work includes recording low frequency sounds in Antartica with vlf (very low frequency) hydrophones, and previously measuring UV radiation in Punta Arenas in the desert of Atacama. Her performances are noisist by definition, leaving open doors to improvisation and interaction.
Ewa Justka is a Polish electronic noise artist and instruments builder based in London. Justka’s main field of research is based on exploration of materiality of objects, vibrant, ontological systems (human bodies, plants’ bodies, electronic circuits: varied range of micro and macro environments and relations between them) and an investigation of modes of quasi-direct perception through noise performance actions, interactive installation, DIY electronics, hardware hacking, plant-molesting, breaking, deconstructing and collaborating. In her artistic work Ewa attempts to explore the concept of materiality of the hidden.
Phil Mill began experimenting with sound and musical composition exploring the use of environmental sound within a musical context, practising improvised music and electronic music.More recently he has began to look at the aesthetics of listening at first within an improvised context and then within field recordings and acoustic ecology.
Rasul is an experimental musician based in London that practices loop-based improvisations. Relying heavily on found objects, Rasul captures sound through different techniques, favouring methods that allow the compositions to become autonomous and unintentional. Inspired by Eastern spiritual traditions, Rasul’s performances evoke a mystical atmosphere that provides the listener with a contemplative space to wander and dwell within; a space where the role of an artist is not too different from the role of the listener.
Starting to produce her own music from a young age, and always with an interest in experimentation, as well a being a resident DJ, Clara is currently creating music for experimental films and short movies.
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fixed, thanks!