Complex FM synthesis for Gen~ / A guide to complex FM synthesis
Complex FM synthesis for Gen~ / A guide to Modern FM synthesis
Complex FM synthesis for Gen~ / The fundamentals of FM synthesis
An introduction to modern JavaScript in Max 9
Max 9 - Get a better sound in Max using ABL objects
Max 9: Adaptive audio fx systems with ABL and preset mixing
Beginner's Guide to Modern Interfaces with v8UI in Max 9
Open Mic Night 2: The N8IR and Bodies
TouchDesigner Meetup - Extensions and Callback
TouchDesigner Meetup - "In the Wild" Projections and installations in nature
TouchDesigner Meetup - Kinetic Installations
Discover Sonic Visualiser
Creating Generative Content in Resolume
Field Recording for Everyone: Creative Soundscapes with Simple Gear
Open Source: What is ppooll?
Let’s make music with ppooll
Learn the basics of ppooll
Open Source: A short history of drum machines
Open Source: Creating Visual Music with Videosync
Making Visual Music with Videosync
Build Your Own DIY Arduino MIDI Controller
Getting Started with Spectral Effects in Max
Introduction to instrument design based on Arduino microcontroller
Open Source: Reclaiming Generative Music
Open Source: Fostering New Connections in the Physical World through Interactive Sound Experiences
Open Source: Sculpting Sound with Light
Tom Hall - AMA On making non-linear audio-visual art with Max
Open Source: How to approach experimental field recording on a budget
Open Source: Open mic night
Open source: A guided tour of 4DSOUND
In the box mastering
Why is Dolby Atmos relevant in music?
TouchDesigner Meetup - System Architecture
Mastering Audio Effects and Creative Automation in Ableton Live
Recording and Editing Vocals in Ableton Live
Writing Harmonies and Melodies in Ableton Live
Programming and Recording Drums in Ableton Live
Open Source: Exploring AI bias through music composition
Treating Synth Bass in Ableton Live
Creating Basslines with Ableton Live
Interactive Applications with TouchDesigner
Create online audiovisual experiences with Max, RNBO, and p5.js
Screams and Bad Dreams: Sound Design and Score for Sci-Fi and Horror Films
Open Source: Erik Hall's new approach to classical minimalism
Ethical and Responsible Music Making: The Future of Music Creation
Recording Bass Guitar with Live Lite
Recording Vocals on a Backing Track Using Audacity
Recording Electric Guitar in Ableton Live Lite
Recording Acoustic Guitar Using Ableton Live Lite
Mastering Vocal Mixing with Audacity
Mastering Voiceovers with Audacity: Recording and Editing Essentials
Open Source: A chat with sound designer and musician Lily J
Recording Audio from YouTube in Audacity
AI and Artistic Identity: A talk with Digital Interaction Artist Tim Murray-Browne
Exploring Generative Music: A talk and Q&A with Peter Chilvers
Music is Dead? Long live music! A talk with Robert Thomas
Learn to Live Code in Strudel / Creating Stunning Ambient Textures with Dr Norah Lorway
Learn to Live Code in Strudel / Creating Seamless Compositions Live with Lizzie Wilson
Learn to Live Code in Strudel / The Boundaries Between Beats and Noise with Shelly Knots
Learn to Live Code in Strudel / Working with MIDI Instruments and Externals with Lina Bautista
Ask Me Anything: Programmable Lighting
TouchDesigner Meetup - Interactivity
Getting Started with Stochastic Music in Max
Max Meetup - Chaos and Randomness
TouchDesigner Meetup / Immersive Theatre
Max Meetup: Performing Live with Max
Ask Me Anything about Max with Umut Eldem
Ask Me Anything about Sound Design for Games with Eduardo Pesole
Making Generative Phase Music with Max/MSP
Ask Me Anything about Max with Umut Eldem
Ask Me Anything about Dorico: From Score to Mock-Up
TouchDesigner Meetup: Connecting TouchDesigner with Creative Software
Max Meetup: Algorithmic Composition with AI
Ask Me Anything about Music Notation, Dorico and Film Scoring
The sound of wine: transform your wine-tasting experiences through music-wine pairing
Visualizing Sound with TouchDesigner
Ask me Anything about Visualizing Sound
Ask me Anything about Interactive Installations
The sound of wine: transform your wine-tasting experiences through music-wine pairing
Ableton Live a fondo
TouchDesigner meetup / VJ tools
Getting started with Javascript for Max
Ask Me Anything about using Javascript with Max
Ask Me Anything about Interactive Installations with Max
Ask Me Anything about Bitwig's Modular Family
Ask Me Anything on Getting Started with Live Coding
Ask Me Anything about Gen
Ask Me Anything: Sonification Techniques with Max/MSP
Ask Me Anything: Audiovisual Design with Max/MSP
Introduction to Generative and Sound-Reactive Graphics in Resolume
Creating VSTs and more using FAUST
Max Meetup: Generating Sound and Organizing Time
Interactive Sound and Visuals: A Tone.js and p5.js Beginner's Guide
TouchDesigner meetup / Arduino and Sensors
Max Meetup / Javascript
Fundamentals of Signal Processing for Musicians
Getting Confident with jit.gen
Advanced Remote Recording for Voice Over Artists with Source Elements
Oscillation: An introduction for sound design for audiovisual projects / In Spanish
De-Mix Audio using FluCoMa in Max
TouchDesigner Meetup / Ableton
MPE Exploration in Max & Max For Live
Max Meetup / Exploring Sonification
Creating Virtual and Sample-Based VST/AU Plug-in Instruments with HISE
AI Art via Stable Diffusion and Google Colab
Meetup: Use audio and MIDI in TouchDesigner with VST plugins
Grow your career with ChatGPT. Be better, quicker and clearer.
Creative Vocal Looping With BOSS Loop Stations
Unsupervised Machine Learning via FluCoMa In Max
Max meetup with Michael Begg, Shangyun Wu and Elisa Batti
Sonification with Max: Turning Data into Sound
Fundamentals of Meta Sounds in Unreal Engine
Create a polyphonic synthesizer plug-in with RNBO
Intro to Live Coding with TidalCycles
Using 3D Audio in Music Production and Performance
Interactive visuals with TouchDesigner
Intro to Max 8 & RNBO
Neural Networks via FluCoMa In Max
TouchDesigner meetup / Dome Projections
Getting Started with jit.gen
Getting Confident with SOPs in TouchDesigner
Getting Started with RNBO in Max
An Introduction to MIDI via Camelot
Max meetup - Kevin Kripper, Sabina Covarrubias and Francisco Colasanto
An Introduction to Dolby Atmos for Binaural Audio
Sketch musical ideas with Ableton Note
Using Machine Learning Creatively via FluCoMa in Max
Introduction to Interface Design in TouchDesigner
TouchDesigner meetup: Lasers
Getting Confident in VCV Rack 2
Introduction to Interactive Video with Jitter In Max
Getting Started With VCV Rack 2
Introduction To Interactive Audio In Max
Max Meetup - Composition In Max
Instrument Masterclass - The Violin
Getting Started With Interactivity With Max
Physical Modeling Waveguides In Max
Multichannel Spectral Synthesis in Max
An Introduction to FMOD and Sound for Non-linear Media
Getting Confident with CHOPs in TouchDesigner
Fundamentals of Blueprint Visual Scripting in Unreal Engine
Creative Probability & Chance in Live 11
TouchDesigner meetup - AI Art
Getting Started With Audio FX In Max
Max meetup / August 27th
Composition with Bach in Max
Getting Started With Python in TouchDesigner
We Move Session: Grace Savage - Finding My Voice: My Journey as an Independent Artist / 23rd August
Programming via Gen~ Codebox In Max
We Move Session: Marie Tricaud - Music Apps and Beyond: Interactive Prototypes for Musical Interfaces / 18th August
Intro To Game Audio Design
We Move Session: Jess Camilleri - 7 Things You Wish You Knew Before You Hired A Mix Engineer / 9th August
TouchDesigner meetup / Music Visualisation
We Move Session: Isobel Anderson - Using Field Recordings In Music Production / 26th July
Sampling with Max
Creative Coding For Musicians: Audio-visual instrument
Max meetup
Modern Orchestration Masterclass - The Trumpet
We Move Session: IORA - Composition and Dyslexia / 19th July
Creative Coding For Musicians: Cell phone synth
Sonification with Max: Visuals into Sound
We Move Session: Poppy Roberts - Creative Beatmaking with Ableton / 14th July
Control Surface Hacking with Live’s API
We Move Session: Eve Horne - DAWs as Tools: In Conversation With / 12th July
We Move Session: Leslie Gaston - Immersive Audio 101 / 7th July
Algorithmic Composition - Generative Arpeggios
TouchDesigner meetup - Exploring New Media Projects
We Move Session: Anna Disclaim - Unique to Ableton Live / 28th June
We Move Session: Chagall - BTS on the “Unlocked” Tour - June 21st
Getting Started with Software Instruments in Max
Intro to Visualizing Sound with TouchDesigner
Max meetup - What's new in Max 8.3 / June 18th
Fundamentals of working with Unreal Engine for musicians
We Move Session: Sara Adkins - Machine Learning and Composition / 14th June
Modern Orchestration Masterclass - The Clarinet
TouchDesigner meetup / Open Session - May 28th
We Move Session 12: Lia Mice - Designing Large Scale Digital Instruments / 24th May
Max meetup - Gen~ / May 21st
Making Sonic Clouds: Granular Synthesis with Gen~ and MC
We Move Session 11: Laura Lee - Hybrid Guitar Production & Performance / 17th May
Switches and Sensors with Arduino and TouchDesigner
We Move Session 10: Ramera Abraham - Vocal Production / 6th May
Modern Orchestration Masterclasses / Viola: acoustic articulations and how to reproduce them with music software
Max meetup / Generative Art
TouchDesigner meetup - Open Session
We Move - Session 7: Jess Bartlet, Introduction to Data Sonification
Turning your song into an Ableton Live looping performance
We Move - Session 9: Thea Cochrane, Blurring the Lines of Sound Design / 12th April
We Move - Session 8: Catherine Anne Davies - LIBRARIES GAVE US POWER: Finding Inspiration In Culture / 7th April
Getting Started with TouchDesigner
TouchDesigner meetup - Working with 3D
We Move - Session 6: Bishi, Technology and Agency
Build A Drum Machine in Max
We Move - Session 5: Vicky O’Neon, Live Drum Looping with Ableton / 10th March
We Move - Session 4: LNA Does Audio Stuff, Creative Workflows and Songwriting for Producers / 9th March
We Move - Session 3: Katie Tavini - What Even Is Mastering Anyway? / 8th March
TouchDesigner meetup - Web Installations via Twitch and TouchDesigner
We Move - Session 2: Halina Rice, Constructing Immersive Performance / 1st March
We Move - Session 1: Helen Noir, Modern Orchestration / 22nd Feb
Building A Modulation Delay In Gen~
Introduction to music & coding using Python
Generative Art with Feedback Systems in TouchDesigner
Interactivity in Unreal Engine
An Introduction to Visual Sensors
Generative Sonification with Max
Meetup - Virtual Reality and Interactivity in TouchDesigner
Notch meetup / December 16th
TouchDesigner meetup - NFTs
NFTs for music and digital artists - how to promote your NFTs?
Visual Music Performance with Machine Learning - On demand
Using Collab-Hub with Max for Collaborative Network Performance - on-demand
Understanding Indian rhythm through simple algorithms - On demand
UJAM Rocktober / Workshop 3 - From idea to finished track in record time
UJAM Rocktober / Workshop 2 - How to arrange and mix guitars
How to mix drums
TouchDesigner meetup - TouchDesigner and Unreal
TouchDesigner meetup: Interactivity
TouchDesigner meetup: new media
TouchDesigner meetup / Audio visualisation
TouchDesigner meetup: GLSL and Shaders
TouchDesigner meetup - career as an interactive designer
TouchDesigner meetup - AI & Machine Learning
Tone to drone - Introduction to SuperCollider for monome norns
Synthesis with Max: Wavetable
Synthesis with Max: Physical Modelling
Synthesis with Max: Granular
Synthesis with Max: FM
Simple Systems for Live Performance: A TouchDesigner Primer
Simple Sequencer with Tone.js - On demand
Scripting and Live-Coding Max with Scheme for Max - On-demand
Real-time Audio Reactive Visual Programming in Max - On demand
Racks, Variations and Creative Processing in Live 11
Notch meetup / November 27th
Notch meetup - Using Notch for live performances
Non-linear strategies for composing with Live & M4L - On demand
NFTs for music and digital artists - strategies, formats and case studies
Melody Generation in Max - On demand
Max meetup: Gen~
Max meetup - Max for live / November 21st
Max and Machine Learning with RunwayML - On-demand
MIDI Programming in Ableton Live - On-demand
MIDI 2.0 - Introduction to the Universal MIDI Packet - Workshop 1
Live Sample Mangling in Max 8
Live Coding Sound with TidalCycles
Live AV Performance by Leon Trimble - 16th April
Jitter in Ableton - On demand
Introduction to beat detection and audio-reactive visuals in TouchDesigner
Introduction to NFTs for music and digital art
Interface design in Max with JS/JSUI
Interactive video with Jitter - LIVE Session
Interaction with Arduino & TouchDesigner
Interaction with Arduino & Max - Workshop series / On-demand
Instancing for Generative Art in TouchDesigner
Immersive AV Composition
Granular Synthesis: Getting Started with Grainflow - On-demand
Going further with cheat codes 2: A sample playground for norns
Getting started with cheat codes 2: A sample playground for monome norns
Getting started with Max
Getting started with MSP
Getting started with MIDI 2.0 development
Getting started with Interactive Machine Learning for openFrameworks
Getting confident with Max - On demand
Getting Started with Sonic Pi
Getting Started with Max For Live
Getting Started with Gen~
Getting Confident with Gen~
Generative Music Tools: Turing Machine
Generative Music Tools: LFOs and Pitch Quantization
Generative Composition with Cryptography in Max
Generative Audio Looping in Max & Max For Live
Fundamentals of sound design with Pigments 3
Exploring gesture control with Gliss & Glover
Exploring MC ~ in Max 8
Discover the new features in Max for Live 11
Digital Windchimes / An Introduction to Generative Music
Digging deeper into Flora for monome norns
DIY Electronics
Creative Riff Composition with MIDI
Creative MIDI FX in Ableton Live
Creative MIDI CC’s in Ableton Live
Creative Audio and MIDI in Ableton Live
Creating dynamic drum patterns in Ableton Live
Create with MPE in Live 11
Create Music Visuals with TouchDesigner / Fundamentals
Building phaser audio effects in Gen~
Building audio FX in Gen~
Building Graphical User Interfaces in M4L and Max
Building Audio FX with Max
Build your own modular synth with MSP
Build samplers with Max
Build an interactive textile instrument
Build a web assembly synthesiser with iPlug 2
Build a MIDI 2.0 program using the Apple UMP API - Workshop 2
Build Max for Live devices using Ableton Live’s API
Audio visual creation & performance with TDAbleton
Audio Reactive Shaders with Shader Park + TouchDesigner
An introduction to Flora for monome norns
An Introduction to Synthesis with Max
An Introduction to Markov Chains: Machine Learning in Max
Ample samples - Introduction to SuperCollider for monome norns
Algorithmic Composition in Max: Bringing Order to Chaos
Advanced video programming with Jitter
Advanced Wavetable Synthesis with Max
Abstract Performance in Ableton and Max For Live
Abstract Composition in Ableton and Max For Live
Experimental Audio FX in Max
Create Music Visuals with TouchDesigner / Going Further
Android Audio Development Fundamentals - On-demand