Gen.AV – Tools for Generative Audiovisuals
Nuno Correia will present his artistic work and research on audiovisual performance. The first part of the presentation will focus on his artistic work with Video Jack (, which was the subject of his PhD thesis and book: “Interactive Audiovisual Objects”. The second part will focus on work with tools for audiovisual performance: the vector graphics oriented AudioVisual Vector eXchange – AVVX ( and the recent project on generative audiovisuals – Gen.AV ( The latter is part of his current research at Goldsmiths, University of London.
When: March 5, 18:30 – 21:30
Where: Music Hackspace, Unit 15, 5–10 Corbridge Crescent London, United Kingdom
Nuno N. Correia ( is a researcher, media artist and musician. He is interested in enabling interactive multi-sensorial experiences. Since 2000, he has been teaching and conducting research in media art and design, in universities in Portugal, Finland and the UK. Nuno holds a Doctor of Arts degree in new media from Aalto University (Media Lab Helsinki), with the thesis “Interactive Audiovisual Objects“, and an M.Sc in innovation management from the Technical University of Lisbon. Currently, he is a researcher at Goldsmiths, University of London (EAVI Group), working on the project “Enabling Audiovisual User Interfaces” (http://avuis.
Nuno’s work has been presented in more than 20 countries, in such festivals and venues as ACM Multimedia – Interactive Arts exhibition (Scottsdale), Electro-Mechanica (St. Petersburg), FILE (São Paulo), ISEA (Istanbul), Le Cube (Paris), Mapping (Geneva), NAME (Lille), Optronica / British Film Institute (London), PixelAche / Kiasma (Helsinki) and SXSW (Austin). His articles have been published at conferences such as ACE (Advances in Computer Entertainment), NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression), SMC (Sound and Music Computing) and TEI (Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction); as well as at the Journal of Visual Art Practice, Leonardo Electronic Almanac and Intermedial Arts (book chapter). Nuno’s projects have been featured in CreativeApplications.Net, Create Digital Motion, The Creators Project, Leonardo Reviews and Digicult, among other specialised media.