DIY Eurorack workshop with Befaco on 27th and 28th August

Hands on workshop: build your own synth modules on eurorack format. We provide all the necessary components to build your device from scratch. Each participant builds her/his own machine during the workshop.

REGISTRATION. Please note a minimum number of participants is required for this workshop to take place, so please book your place asap!

[shopify embed_type=”product” shop=”” product_handle=”befaco-modular-synth-workshop-27th-and-28th-august-2016″ show=”all”]

  • With this item you will be booking a spot in our workshop.
  • Please send an email to workshops@stagingmhs.local indicating which module/s you’d like to build.
  • This £20 booking fee will be deducted during the workshop from the price of the kit/s of your choice.
  • Please note there will be no refunds in case of cancelling / not showing.
  • Thanks for the reservation and see you soon!

Join us for a weekend of DIY modular synth making on 27th and 28th August 2016:

  • Required skills: interest and patience. No previous experience in electronics is necessary.
  • Required materials: Fine tip soldering iron less than 25w is recommended (we provide soldering irons and hand tools for participants who don’t have their own).
  • When: Sat 27th  and Sun 28th August 2016, 11am to 7 pm.
  • Where: Music Hackspace @ LimeWharf Yard. LimeWharf, Vyner Street E2 9DJ London

Befaco is a Synth DIY/open hardware platform focused on designing modules and organizing modular synth workshops regularly in Madrid, Barcelona, Berlin and London. You can read Befaco Workshops FAQ’s for more details.

Befaco modules available :

Spring reverb …………………150 GBP
Even VCO ……………………130 GBP
BF22 VCF……………………..140 GBP
Rampage…………………………….170 GBP
Instrument Interface………..125 GBP
Output module……………….. 70 GBP
Mixer………………………………55 GBP
Crush Delay……………………130 GBP
Hexa VCA………………………150 GBP
power supply + power bus……90 GBP
Power Bus………………………..50 GBP
Dual Atenuverter………………55 GBP
Joysitck controller…………….120 GBP
Slew Limiter ………………………….60 GBP
Sampling Mod………….130 GBP
Midi thing……………..125GBP

Also we have 4ms and Bastl kits available. If you are interested please let us know in advance:

RCD Breackout  55GBP
SCM Breackout 105 GBP

Grandpa: 130 GBP

If you have any questions please email us at: workshops@stagingmhs.local

The Music Hackspace programme is supported using public funding by Arts Council England.

This activity is part of the workshop series #SoundUnfolded, curated by Susanna Garcia. #SoundUnfolded  brings together action-based ideas about sound and explores the relationships we can establish with sound through the act of making.

